Saturday 13 August 2011

How to Get a Visa: ANKHET Style

  1. Have a passport.
    • EASIEST STEP if you already have one. If you don't sucks for you. Sorry, no actually just go get one. Super quick.
  2. Have a Driver's License or State ID. 
    • I don't have one of these because guess what, I don't drive and guess what, I'm still a minor and don't need fancy pieces of identification. So everyone was harassing me for one. Ok really just the police department who didn't realize I was a minor and needed to go to the juvenile courthouse.
    • I ended up copying the envelope my passport came in. I don't know what they thought when they saw that.
  3. Fill out form.
    • You'd think this would be the easiest part but No, alas it's not. 
  4. Be patient because getting authorization numbers from Jakarta will take a long time. In fact the whole visa plan will change because it won't come in time. You will find yourself having to mail everything to New York instead. And you will spend a bunch on shipping.
  5. Have your awesome school send you a transcript the day you are sending all this stuff to New York. Just have an awesome. Thank you school <3.
  6. Print out other stuff. 
  7. Forget to mail your cover letter with the package and send an email at 2 am to AFS with it attached. Why 2am? Because you're afraid that you won't wake up early enough for them to get it on time. New York is 3 hours ahead of LA.
    • In fact just live on the east coast. The rest of your life won't be as awesome but getting a visa will probably be easier. 
  8. And the MOST Important Step: Wait until the last minute to do everything. Because then you will be all in a frenzy. Unless of course you don't like worrying your brains out and spending half the night making lists of how you can get what you need and fast.
Weirdly Getting a Visa Ankhet Style is not as fun as you would think.

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